Guernieri & Scattolin - Bicinium | Tactus TC940091

Guernieri & Scattolin - Bicinium


Usually available for despatch within 2-3 working days

Label: Tactus

Cat No: TC940091

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 2

Release Date: 3rd January 2017



Walter Zanetti (electric guitar)
Quartetto Mirus
LatinoBalcanica Ensemble
Pas de Deux
Coro da Camera di Bologna
Coro e Orchestra da Camera Euridice


Maurizio Guernieri
Pier Paolo Scattolin


Guernieri, Maurizio

... A riveder le stelle
Missa simplex

Scattolin, Pier Paolo

... Quando quello sciamano della luna...
In mezzo alla maggese
La principessa della cenere ovvero Cenerentola
Missa brevis


Walter Zanetti (electric guitar)
Quartetto Mirus
LatinoBalcanica Ensemble
Pas de Deux
Coro da Camera di Bologna
Coro e Orchestra da Camera Euridice


Maurizio Guernieri
Pier Paolo Scattolin


The sacred and the profane, the human voices and the instruments, tradition and innovation, poetry and dance; all these elements contribute to the construction of the music contained in this ‘bicinium’, where the two ‘voices’ of the composers - Maurizio Guernieri and Pier Paolo Scattolin - face a wide variety of themes and musical forms: from the Mass to the fairy tale with music, along to the more classical forms like the quartet the chorus, to the use of symphonic orchestras or electric guitar. The result is an intense world of colours, lights and sound landscapes coming from a musical language that, despite its novelty, is rooted in the increasingly fertile ground of tradition, showing in this way that music can be written without falling into banality of the many contemporary proposals that have nothing to leave beyond their pure commercial result.

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