Giuliani - Works for Guitar | Arts Music 476892

Giuliani - Works for Guitar

Label: Arts Music

Cat No: 476892

Format: Hybrid SACD

Number of Discs: 1

Release Date: 6th April 2009



Born in Naples, the guitarist Edoardo Catemario possesses a rare combination of technique and musicality in the purest sense of the term. He is recognized as an amazing virtuoso and is heir to the famous and historical Neapolitan school. An award winner in some of the most important European guitar competitions, including first prize at the "Andres Segovia" contest of Almuņecar in Granada in 1991 and at the contest of Alessandria in 1992, Catemario has gone on to forge a successful career in the concert hall and as a recording artist. He is also highly-rated as a teacher and has held Master Classes in France, Spain, Italy and Austria.

The composer Mauro Giuliani and the history of the guitar in the 19th century are closley associated with each other. His success as a performer, and the fact that he was one of the most important composers for this instrument, made a major contribution to increasing the popularity of the guitar at that time.

The first and second concertos, previously recorded by Edouardo Catemario, are considered to be the first great examples of the genre. The Third Concerto in F, Op.70, was composed in 1816 or slightly earlier. Instead of the normal classical guitar, Giuliani chose to write this work for chitarra terzina (terz-guitar), which is pitched three half-steps higher. The concerto shows a remarkable advancement from his first efforts. The new maturity of style is clear from the opening movement with its crisp and varied themes, accomplished orchestration, new harmonic language and mastery of form. Although there are numerous solo passages for the guitar, the cadenzas in this movement are not extensive, lending it greater continuity and finer solo-tutti balance.

String Quartet for the Quintet:
- Agnes Strader: Violin I   
- Katarina Brzoza: Violin II
- Martina Reiter:  Viola    
- Ruben Dubrovski: Cello

String Quartet for the Variations:
- Agnes Strader: Violin I     
- Ingrid Loacker:  Violin II
- Pablo de Pedro Cano:  Viola      
- Ruben Dubrovski: Cello

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