Insiraf: Arab-Andalusian Music from the 13th century | Pan Classics PC10239

Insiraf: Arab-Andalusian Music from the 13th century


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Label: Pan Classics

Cat No: PC10239

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1

Release Date: 3rd May 2011



Cantilena Antiqua


Stefano Albarello


Cantilena Antiqua


Stefano Albarello


This recording presents an anthology of magnificent songs from various Mediterranean traditions with a strong Arab influence on performance style, previously available as “Ondas do Mar” from the Symphonia label, recorded in 1998.

This lovely recording succeeds in its goal of transporting the listener back to the lost Iberian world of the 13th century, where a unique culture emerged in the Mediterranean, an amalgamation of Christian, Hebraic and Arabic elements … This is simply one of the most beautifully engineered recordings I have ever heard. I highly recommend this CD, without reservation, for all audiences.” - Continuo

Stefano Albarello’s singing, like the instrumental work, is flexible, sensitive and alive to eastern styles of ornamentation.” - Gramophone

- arabic/sefardic Calvivi Arabia/La Rosa en Florese
- turkish Peshref (instrumental)
- sicilian/sefardic Amuri amuri/Abenamar
- andalusian San’a Darj, Mishalja – Btahi, Insirâf (instrumental)
- Martin Codax: Ondas do mar, Man did ei comigo, Ay ondas, Quantas sabedes amar, Miayrmana fremosa
- Berenger de Palou: Ai tal domna, Tant m’abelis, De la gençor, Totz temoros

Cantilena Antiqua:
- Paolo Faldi (flutes, shawm)
- Gianfranco Russo (viella, lyra)
- Marco Muzzati (santour, edufe, bendir, derbukka, riqq)
- Stefano Albarello (chant, citola, oud, saz, gittern)

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